Wake-On-LAN multiple computers at once!

Wake-On-LAN multiple computers at once!

If you need to turn on or awake several computers at once, or perhaps, just need to do it remotely, whether they are near or far away, the Wakeup-On-LAN feature is a fantastic method.

Wakeup-On-LAN turns on a computer when it receives network special message, called a “Magic Packet” .

The first step is to verify if the target computer and network cards have Wakeup-On-LAN, and also turning it on.

Check in the BIOS of your computer and ensure the feature is active.

For Windows 10, its also necessary to enable the “Wake on Magic Packet” and update the power settings for the network adapter in the properties tab.

Its also necessary to use a special application that will send the “Magic Packet” throught the Command Line or batch script. In a previous post, I mentioned a free application created by Depicus, called Wake On Lan Command Line. Its available through this link.

Place the application in a folder of your choice,and update the path in the script. Its also necessary to add the IP or computer name, MAC address, subnet mask and port in the correct fields. The whole script below is designed to turn on 3 computers. Run it and the computers should turn on.

If you place the batch script in the Windows 10 startup folder, the script will run every time you turn on and login to one computer.