This web site becomes very useful when you want to share a list of available operating system images for Azure VMs to a project manager that doesn't have Azure CLI installed. URL: az-vm-image.info ...

If you are fortunate enough to be in a multi-cloud provider organization, then cloudprice.net becomes a great ally in cost optimization. Despite only including some of the larger cloud providers, it allows for multi-tier and multi-region comprehensive analysis in convenient form. URL: cloudprice.net ...

Ever landed somewhere and realized that your laptop or phone changer wont plug to the local electrical socket? These days the majority of SMPS power supplies are designed to adapt themselves to most mains voltages and frequencies around the world, but the physical sockets may still have completely different designs ...

If you need to understand how your website behaves when accessed from different locations and get some detailed reports, tools.pingdomm.com can give give that analysis quickly and for free, with recommendations. The shareable or downloadable report shows your load time, page size, content and request size by content type. URL: ...

Ever wondered which technologies are used in your favorite websites? How about the latest trends and most used stacks? In builtwith.com you will be able to do some research and even view rankings of tech and keywords. URL: builtwith.com ...

You can use this website to get all geolocation information about an IP address either through their console or through their API, with JSON, JSONP or CSV . URL: extreme-ip-lookup.com ...

At itexams.com you will find IT certification exam materials of only actual exam questions accompanied by detailed answers for free. URL: itexams.com ...

Five products in the National Cyber Awareness System offer a variety of information for users with varied technical expertise. Those with more technical interest can read the Alerts, Analysis Reports, Current Activity, or Bulletins. Users looking for more general-interest pieces can read the Tips. URL: https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas ...

Ever wondered which tools security specialist from all over the world use and prefer on a daily basis? At SecTools.org you can find a ranked catalog of tools ranging from free and open source to closed and paid, voted by people from all over the world. URL: SecTools.org ...

A great tool to have an overview of a domain spread across multiple DNS servers, check TLD and confirm DNSSEC signatures. URL: zonemaster.net ...

Boxcryptor is an end-to-end encryption service to protect your cloud hosted data, it ensures that only you can view your data. It works with lot's of cloud storage providers, for example Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc. The service can be accessed through several devices (PCs or Smartphones) via installed applications ...

This website provides an interesting way of comparing the region and availability of multiple of cloud services by allowing to compare the performance, reports, commentary, metrics and tools from each provider. URL: cloudharmony.com ...