Inventory tips

Inventory tips

In every office computers and all related peripherals like mouses, keyboards, monitors and printers represent an CAPEX, and investment on essential tools to conduct business.

Below you can find some tips to help you be more efficient.

1- Save your invoices electronically in a shared drive, make sure that their number is noted next to every computer, monitor and printer in your inventory tool of choice. This way, when a warranty check needs a proof of purchase to back up the claim, it will be quick and easy. Even in situations where an audit is being conducted.

2- Never accept any delivery without cross checking the invoice with the received items, and confirming that all items are present and in good condition.

3- Tagging all large and expensive items with meaningful acronyms, such as the company, type, location and a sequence number. For example a company called Computers LTD, having laptops in Warsaw, should have something like CL-LP-WAW-0023.

4- Keep an open log of replaced items with user names. With this I mean, deliver a good one and retrieve the broken one, and add the swap to a log.

5- Keep a solid stock of backup parts and upgrades such as toner cartridges, RAM, large hard-disks, flash-drives, chargers and batteries.