Curriculum Vitae in LibreOffice

Curriculum Vitae in LibreOffice

Writing a Curriculum Vitae to apply for a new job position is a pivoting point in anyones career, and by extension life path. It represents a blending of several emotions and decisions, summoned from pondering about the past experience, visualizing the future possibilities and accepting the present decision and responsibility of taking the next step.

This post is not a “pro et contra” list regarding reasons for staying or moving on from the current position, but a post offering a free Curriculum Vitae template in a free format and software.

LibreOffice is free, multi-platform and open-source. It’s a productivity suite of software, tested and used daily by a large and devoted user community, using open-source non proprietary formats, for example the “.ODT” format, among others. LibreOffice can be downloaded here.

My template of a Curriculum Vitae is both visually and content effective (at least according to what I researched, 😀 ). It includes the filling guide and GDPR clause just in case you are applying for a role within the European Union.

If you would like to use my template, its available for download at the bottom of the page. Just fill it in with your details.

Download Link

Name: CV_Template_GDPR.odt
Size: 3181 KB
SHA256: 41957D5E1021B246D29E6ACDD7CBA668981AB00D1E61046903B378B81EA7CAB4