Quick daily startup for users

Quick daily startup for users

Often office users do not turn off their computers to continue work the next day, or not waste time opening every application and logging in. Not turning off, can reduce the computer’s usefull life and cause issues with updates. There are several ways of accomplishing this but in this post we will try via batch script.

All Windows machines have a startup folder, that launches every shortcut placed within it when the user session is launched. Actually it has one for all users and another for the currently logged in user.

The path for the currently logged in user is:

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

To a help a user open it easily a script like this would help:

But let’s assume that the user also needs to login to several websites. We can create a Batch file and place it within the startup folder to facilitate their start of day.

I assume that Internet Explorer and Edge are not used.

For example to start Mozilla Firefox at a specific URL the command is:

start firefox.exe “url1-here” “url2-here”

start firefox.exe “url1-here”

To open in independent windows.

For Google Chrome:

start chrome.exe “url1-here” “url2-here”

To open in a single window with several tabs, replace URL with the page link.

start chrome.exe “url-here”

To open in independent windows.

Its also possible to open specific folders in the shared or local drives with the command is:

start explore “drive:\path”

Replace drive:\path with the required folder.

If some specific spreadsheets need to be open on a daily basis the command is

start excel.exe “file-path\file.xlsx”

Replace file-path\file.xlsx with the path and file name.

To delete all files in a folder:

cd “folder-path” |del * /q

Replace folder-path with the path.

To start Remote Desktop:

mstsc /v:Computer-Name

To launch Active Directory Users and Computers as administrator:

runas /user:administrator-name /noprofile dsa.msc

An example file would look like this: