How to map a WiFi via CMD?
To connect a Windows computer to a WiFi network using the command-prompt, you can use the netsh command. Open the Command Prompt and type the following command to view the available wireless networks: Locate the network you want to connect to, and note its SSID, authentication and encryption methods. You ...

How good are Chat GPT generated Powershell scripts?
Chat GPT is an open-source language-generating AI model developed by OpenAI. It's latest releases generated massive waves of innovation, concern and awareness across multiple industries about AI. Some fear that it will replace people, while, others grasp its capabilities to enhance their own skills. I have written several scripts that ...

How to set 7Zip as the default application to open certain compressed files type via script?
If you use 7-Zip in your organization and need to override the default applications set in Windows 10 or 11. This script will do it for you. As an example, I deleted some file associations in 7-Zip File Manager. Its represented by the blanks in the screen shot bellow. The ...

Export all Active Directory computers group membership
If you ever find your self in a situation where you cannot run scripts, yet need to obtain granular group membership for all your currently enabled Active directory computers, this one liner will slowly but steadily generate that report. After it finishes running you can use Excel to filter the ...

FreeFileSync automatically during Windows 10 startup
In a previous post I recommended FreeFileSync as a synchronization tool that automatically creates and manages backup copies of files. To ensure that all your important files stored on your computer are backed up every time your computer turns on, its possible to create .ffs_batch within FreeFileSync. The files can ...

Manage volume activation of Office 2016 through Command Line
Volume activation allows companies to automate and manage the activation of Microsoft products across an organization. This post will focus on the key commands for Office 2016, but if you would like to know more about volume licensing for other Microsoft products visit this page. If you you would like ...

Confirm if two folders are identical with Batch
Through the usage of hashing algorithms its possible to verify the integrity of files, which is very handy to compare if a single file was changed, or confirm if two folders synchronized correctly. I choose SHA-256 hashing available in 7-Zip through command line, to calculate the hash and compare the ...

Wake-On-LAN from a list in a text file
In a previous post, I shared a script that turned on by default 3 computers in the same subnet, but more could be added if the script was modified. To ease turning on more computers, I created a version of the script that will attempt to turn on all the ...

Wake-On-LAN multiple computers at once!
If you need to turn on or awake several computers at once, or perhaps, just need to do it remotely, whether they are near or far away, the Wakeup-On-LAN feature is a fantastic method. Wakeup-On-LAN turns on a computer when it receives network special message, called a "Magic Packet" ...

How to map drives and folders with Powershell?
Shared folders and NAS are a common in organizations of all sizes, even at home these days. They are useful to IT support professionals, for example, to backup valuable information or to store applications and other files. The first step is to confirm if the SMB V1/2 protocols are enabled ...

How to add drivers to a Windows 10 image with DISM?
In this post, I will try to give a quick overview and guide on how to add drivers quickly to a Windows 10 installation from USB using DISM. DISM is an acronym that stands for "Deployment Image Servicing and Management", and it's a built-in Windows command-line tool that helps with ...

Convert images in CMD with ImageMagick
ImageMagick is an application with command-line utilities for manipulating size and resolution, correcting orientation, shearing and transforming images, correcting colors, and, even converting images over a wide range of formats. The application accepts commands thought the CLI or by using scripts (such as Windows batch files). For the examples I ...