Did you move to Poland or some of your projects or providers are in Poland, and you need to spell a few words like the locals?
I compiled a table with the Polish phonetic alphabet to facilitate all the communications. I added the American and NATO formats as an extra. All formats and download links at the bottom of the page.

Download links:
Name/Size: Phonetic_Alphabet_Polish_American_Nato_Techlogist.net.pdf/94KiB
SHA256: 309A37DACBACA2BAA6600ADB25EC5AF49591DFD2B42032308D5AD34AF78E4D66
Name/Size: Phonetic_Alphabet_Polish_American_Nato_Techlogist.net.svg/89KiB
SHA256: C676EA2C4E9092D8B427A194B23F1B74A1C744EDF1D52E31E35D11018418FC14
Name/Size: Phonetic_Alphabet_Polish_American_Nato_Techlogist.net.png/120KiB
SHA256: B9403C1A39CA2D9D99A2D563B2131A16254941928B4D1290DA3676B9877F5F79