Spanish Phonetic Alphabet
Is your Spanish limited to "Hola!"? Are you or your clients in sunny Spain? Would you like spell some words like a Spanish person? I compiled a table with the Spanish phonetic alphabet partnered by the American and NATO counterparts. Some letters like "G" or "J" may be tricky because ...

MacOS Boot Key Combinations Cheat sheet for IT Help desks
Like any other computer or operating system in the market, Macbooks come with embed pre-boot environments, where among other options, diagnostics or re-installations can be performed. I created a basic cheat sheet with most of the key combinations for both Intel and Apple Silicon based devices. Download links: Mac_Boot_Shortcuts_Cheatsheet.pdf Name/Size: ...

Basic Windows Command Line Cheat sheet for IT Helpdesks
There are some tasks that can only be completed through the Windows Command Line. For example pinging, checking DNS tables, forcing the download of group policies, domain and local user details or even checking the installation date of the operating system. I compiled this cheat sheet with the commands I ...

Polish Phonetic Alphabet
Did you move to Poland or some of your projects or providers are in Poland, and you need to spell a few words like the locals? I compiled a table with the Polish phonetic alphabet to facilitate all the communications. I added the American and NATO formats as an extra ...